When logged in to Virtualmin, select the domain you want to add an FTP user for and click “Edit Users” in the left menu.
Click “add a website ftp access user.”
Fill in the “username” and click the key icon next to the password input field. If you want, you can make your own password instead of using the secure password generator. You can leave the “Real name” field blank. If you want to set a password recovery email, fill that in, otherwise leave blank. You are now done unless you want to restrict this user’s access to specific directories. If so, continue with step 4.
Click “Other User Permissions” to restrict the user’s access. You can add directories that this user can access by clicking the one(s) on the left to add them to the allowed list.
When finished, click the Create button at the bottom. This FTP user will connect via FTP with the credentials you set.
If you can’t see directory listings with this FTP user, try changing your FTP program to Passive mode. If that doesn’t work, try Active mode.
In some cases, your ISP provider will block certain ports from access. If you cannot get the directory listing after trying the above, please contact our support.
A few FTP programs to try are FileZilla, Cyberduck, WinSCP, and there are many others.